Basically Everything Coming to Disney+ in the U.S. | Start Streaming November 12 | Disney

Disney - the "Big D". A piece of modern art. Or is it?
Episode Title: Basically Everything Coming to Disney+ in the U.S. | Start Streaming November 12 Episode Content: It. Is. Time. From Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to The Mandalorian, check out basically everything coming to Disney+ in the US on November 12. For more updates, subscribe to Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic. Disney+ is the ultimate streaming destination for entertainment from Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic. Disney+ will launch in the U.S. on November 12, 2019 for $6.99 per month. Visit DisneyPlus.com to learn more. Follow Disney+ for the latest: Disney+: https://disneyplus.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DisneyPlus/ Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/DisneyPlus/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DisneyPlus/

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1 comment:

  1. Phew... this is becoming very big. We think that we keep it there and leaving the "Big D" where it is. Farewell, farewell... In the meantime, check this out:


